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Urgent Information For Business Owners

Eliminate The Single Biggest Threat To Your Company Going Out Of Business, Virtually Overnight!

Get A FREE Subscription To Weekly Cybersecurity Tips So Your Company Doesn't Become The Next Victim

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Did you know that 82% of data breaches involve human error, often from well-intentioned employees?

As insane as it sounds, the simple mistake of clicking on a link in a phishing e-mail, or using a weak password, or joining a public Wi-Fi opens the door to cybercriminals to wreak havoc on you and your business.

Employees take these simple actions hundreds of times a day without ever giving it a second thought, and in a split second, a criminal can access things like:

  • Your bank account, withdrawing thousands of dollars you'll never get back
  • Confidential client information, which you'll have to pay tens of thousands to get back (and notify ALL your clients that you caused their private information to be leaked)
  • Your company data, files and more, shutting it ALL down so that you can't access anything until you pay thousands in online ransom and your business grinds to a halt

But it doesn't have to be this way!

When you and your employees subscribe to these free weekly 30- to 60-second tips and reminders, they will be better educated and much less likely to cause a breach in security.

You Must Constantly Educate Yourself On How to Protect What’s Yours!

Now — for a limited time — we have the PERFECT way to help reduce your risk and keep you safe! Simply sign up to receive our FREE “Cyber Security Tip of the Week."

We’ll send these byte-sized (IT pun, sorry), quick-read tips to your email inbox. Every tip is packed with a UNIQUE and UP-TO-DATE real-world solution that keeps you one step ahead of the bad guys. And because so few people know about these security secrets, every week you’ll learn something new!

Protect Your Bank Account And Important Data With Cyber Security Secrets Like These

  • Tip # 5: If hit with RANSOMWARE that says: "Pay $2,000 or we will delete your files" — DON'T PAY! Do THIS instead to sidestep their evil ways.
  • Tip # 19: Do you accept credit cards online? If you answered "Yes", but you neglect this KEY STEP, you may get FINES, FEES and even SUED!
  • Tip # 28: Why make a hacker's job EASIER? Do THIS to your usernames — It's like a wall of steel.
  • Tip # 15: How you swipe your debit card determines if you are at SERIOUS RISK for theft or completely safe. Protect your accounts with this simple, speedy tip.
  • Tip # 18: Far too many businesses have firewalls that are USELESS! Yours might be too unless you take the time to do THIS frequently.
  • Tip # 47: Have a remote login when working on the road? YOU may unknowingly be inviting a VIRUS into your office, unless you take this action.
  • Tip # 10: If you don't take THIS RARE but IMPORTANT step when you get a brand new PC, it could spell the DEATH of that PC (and your files) in a matter of months!
  • Tip # 8: Every day people TRY to get on Facebook or Twitter and get more than friend updates — They get dangerous viruses and malware instead! This 6-second action ELIMINATES this common risk.
  • Tip # 29: What's worse than getting your laptop stolen? Giving that thief access to ALL of your files. Well, take this simple step to breathe easy about your files.
  • Tip # 12: Over 7 MILLION Dropbox accounts have been HACKED! Use these rarely used precautions before jumping on ANY file-sharing applications (Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, etc.)

And while we cannot ever guarantee you won't be breached, the security secrets you get WILL significantly reduce your risk. Sign Up Today!

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